Introduction to human analytical rational development (October 2024 updated)

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Human beings have the potential to develop the ability to reason analytically

To make it possible to develop the ability to reason analytically, it is necessary to satisfactorily develop each associated level of development, as part of the entire life development process

It is necessary to develop seven levels of rational development and thus achieve the ability to reason analytically and finally develop the ability to conceptualize

Level 1 Memorize

Level 2 Differentiation Reasoning

Level 3 Association Reasoning

Level 4 Deductive Reasoning

Level 5 Logical Reasoning

Level 6 Integration Reasoning

Level 7 Conceptual analytical reasoning

Level 1 of rational human development corresponds to memorization

The first thing we do in our life is learn to memorize, to learn to speak our native language we must learn to memorize words

Memorizing is storing data in our mind just like when we store data in a memory of some digital device

The human mind has the ability to memorize specific words and associate them with a specific meaning

Our first words that we memorize are dad and mom and our mind associates the meaning of these words with the way to differentiate our parents

In all our basic academic preparation we learn to memorize a large number of words associated with a specific academic meaning

When we have the opportunity to achieve higher academic preparation, we learn to memorize a specific number of technicalities associated with our higher academic specialty

For a long time it was necessary to learn to memorize a large number of words and technicalities, today technological advances allow us to quickly access all those words and technicalities through digital devices

we must memorize what is necessary

Level 2 of human rational development corresponds to differentiation reasoning

Our human mind has the ability to differentiate the different elements or things that it comes to know

For example, when we know apples, our mind associates with them a series of differentiation attributes that distinguish them from the other fruits that we eat

When we meet oranges for the first time, our mind once again associates a series of attributes to differentiate it from the other fruits that we are getting to know

In the case of food, the main differentiation attributes are flavor, shape, colors, and the sensation when eating them

Just as with food, the same thing happens with clothing or dress up, depending on the garments that we encounter for the first time, our mind associates a series of differentiation attributes with them

In addition to the attributes of differentiation, our human mind has the capacity to generate a value of acceptance regarding our human nature, for this reason some prefer apples more than oranges

At level 1 we learn to memorize but we do not necessarily differentiate what we memorize

we must differentiate what we memorize

Level 3 of rational human development corresponds to association reasoning

Our human mind has the ability to associate the different elements or things that it comes to know

For example, when we know apples, our mind associates them with all the other fruits that it comes to know, the important thing is that our mind associates apples with pears, grapes, peaches and other fruits that are edible directly as well as with the particular family of fruits to which they belong

In the case of fruits such as oranges, lemons, grapefruits, tangerines, our mind has the ability to associate them with a specific family of fruits, mainly due to their citrus characteristics

Developing that rational capacity to associate elements or things according to one or more specific characteristics allows us to reach level 3 of rational associative development, which is essential to be able to reach high levels of rational development

Our human mind is like a digital memory unit, where everything stored must be with a high degree of order

In order to develop a high level of rational association, it is necessary to make the best use of all the basic mathematical exercises in arithmetic, intermediate algebraic mathematics and higher analytical mathematics

we must associate what we differentiate

Level 4 of rational human development corresponds to deductive reasoning

Our human mind has the ability to do deductive reasoning and obtain a deduction

to deduce is to conclude something that we consider to be the correct conclusion or the most reasonable with respect to our reasoning

To reach level 4 of rational development, it is necessary to have consolidated in the best way levels of rational development 1, 2 and 3

When we memorize, differentiate and associate elements regarding a specific field of action we obtain specialized knowledge

Level 4 of rational development is reserved for specialists or true professionals in a specific field of action

Only a professional specialist has the ability to do deductive reasoning and undertake a correct course of action

Any person who lacks authentic rational deductive development is immersed in a mental process of opinions and their courses of action are oriented toward trial and error

Due to the above, the importance of every vocational training educational center in the structuring of its study programs, which must have the capacity to reach level 4 of deductive reasoning and train authentic professional specialists

a high degree of deductive reasoning implies forming a successful professional

Level 5 of human rational development corresponds to logical reasoning

Beyond deductive reasoning, there is logical reasoning, that is, exact deductive reasoning

To reason with a high degree of accuracy, great academic preparation and a high degree of professional experience in a specific field of action are necessary

From level 5 onwards, higher levels of rational development are reached

Because level 5 is a higher level of rational development, every conclusion must be of a high degree of accuracy, that is, something logically exact

to reason in an exact logical way is to get closer to the perfect

Reasoning in an exact logical way will be a real privilege for those who manage to reach the highest levels of reasoning

It is recommended that from childhood we have a defined vocation and thus direct all our academic efforts and all our professional work efforts towards a specific field of action

Only a true professional specialist can reach a higher level of reasoning, for this reason the importance of academic study programs that achieve this uninterrupted training from childhood, adolescence and adulthood

To achieve the exact is to get closer to the perfect, that is, something unique, for this reason logical reasoning leads to perfection

to reason in an exact logical way is to get closer to the perfect

Level 6 of rational human development corresponds to integration reasoning

Starting at level 5, the higher levels of rational development correspond, that is, developing the ability to approach perfection

In the real world we have all the events that surround us that are immersed in a perfect natural order

At level 6 we seek to go towards the analytical, which is the only way to approach conceptual-analytical integration reasoning

To reason in a conceptual analytical way is to be in coordination with everything that exists naturally

Let’s imagine that we have several rivers of knowledge, that is, each river represents a specific science and they all flow into a single sea where all the concepts are

There is only one conceptual sea, reaching level 6 of analytical integration development is having the ability to reach the analytical conceptual sea

For example, Isaac Newton developed this capacity for analytical integration reasoning when he developed the formula Force = (mass) (acceleration)

Let us remember that the force of gravity 9.8 m/s^2 is something natural, that is, it has always existed, but it was universally known when Isaac Newton had the capacity for analytical integration to discover it

the analytical is something that is integrated with nature itself

To reason in an analytical way is to coordinate with the entire natural universal order

Level 7 of human rational development corresponds to conceptual analytical reasoning

To reach the highest level of rational development is to achieve the capacity for analytical discernment and thus be able to conceptualize

A concept corresponds to something completely analytical, that is, something that is the origin of knowledge

A specific science is made up of analytical concepts, that is, for a science to exist, it is necessary that there be people with the ability to clearly understand the analytical concepts that make up said science

When the ability to clearly understand the analytical concepts that form a specific science is lost, the ability to apply science correctly is lost, weakening the development of an entire social sector

The fundamental objective of all existing authentic sciences is to achieve greater social development, when there are a greater number of people who have the ability to understand and correctly apply each analytical concept

The only way to keep a specific science alive is by training professionals who manage to develop the necessary rational level and thus be able to conceptualize

All existing sciences should be reflected in authentic sustainable social development, otherwise it is necessary to rescue authentic study programs that achieve rational, analytical, conceptual development

The most successful professional is the one with the greatest analytical conceptual support